Once again this year, Tucano is the official supplier of eco-friendly shoppers for Venice’s Biennale

Once again this year, Tucano is the official supplier of eco-friendly shoppers for Venice’s Biennale

Tucano has confirmed that in 2021, it will once again take on the role of the official supplier of eco-friendly shoppers for the Biennale di Venezia, the prestigious and internationally renowned cultural institution. In addition, it will also be the official supplier for the Venice Production Bridge on the occasion of the 78th edition of the globally relevant Venice International Film Festival, scheduled to start on 1 September 2021.

Designed ad hoc, the Tucano shoppers for the Biennale have been made with recycled plastic materials, following the same path of innovative research undertaken by the company in recent years which has resulted in the creation of new, eco-friendly product lines. Each one of these custom tote bags represents 15 half-liter plastic bottles that have been recycled and saved from the landfill.


Photo by Jacopo Salvi – Courtesy La Biennale di Venezia

Art, Architecture, Cinema, Dance, Theatre and Music are the six sectors of the Venice Biennale that enliven the city with exhibitions and educational activities that aim to inspire and promote new contemporary artistic trends.

The 17th International Architecture Exhibition, open to the public from 22 May to 21 November 2021, will include 112 participants from 46 countries. Iraq, Grenada and Uzbekistan will be present for the first time while men and women will be equally represented, promoting and embodying a climate of inclusion.

The 2021 International Architecture Exhibition is entitled “How will we live together?” An open question, today more relevant than ever, and a stimulus not only for architects but for an increasingly demanding public looking for new spaces for a better future, in which personal relationships regain the focus they deserve.


As it has for many previous years, Tucano‘s established participation in Venice continues to provide extraordinary opportunities to promote the theme of sustainability in a cultural environment already oriented towards change.

Recycled plastics and Italian design are the key elements of the Tucano shoppers for the 77th edition of the Venice International Film Festival of the Biennale di Venezia

Recycled plastics and Italian design are the key elements of the Tucano shoppers for the 77th edition of the Venice International Film Festival of the Biennale di Venezia

Once again this year Tucano is the official supplier of the Venice Production Bridge 2020, having produced the official shoppers for the Venice International Film Festival, the most important Italian film festival but also one of the world’s most iconic cinema events, scheduled to be held on the Lido di Venezia from the 2nd through the 12th of September.


This year, the well-established partnership, now over 15 years, between The Cinema Biennale and Tucano, has produced custom eco-friendly shoppers made with recycled-plastic materials. Tucano‘s commitment to eco-sustainability, through the creation of bags and backpacks in materials made from plastic waste, highlights the need to give a second life to used materials, initiating a virtuous cycle that has the potential to continue indefinitely. An important topic at the center of continuous, ecological evolution, where originality and novelty come together with discarded materials, waste and innovation, interwoven with a common thread: responsibility.

Tucano’s journey in support of ecology is well-integrated with the prestigious aims of the 2020 Cinema Biennale, in the firm belief that culture is the most suitable context in which to embrace and promote such an important topic and one that is capable of generating real change. The jury of the 77th edition of The Venice International Film Festival of the Biennale di Venezia will be chaired by Cate Blanchett, an icon of international cinema, who will award the Golden Lion for best film, along with all the other awards, during the closing night ceremonies. The opening film, among the titles not in competition, is Lacci by Daniele Luchetti, based on the novel by Domenico Starnone. Four Italian directors will be in the competition: Emma Dante, Gianfranco Rosi, Susanna Nicchiarelli and Claudio Noce with interesting works dealing with a variety of themes.

Tucano Shopper Venezia eco-friendly
Tucano Shopper Venezia eco-friendly

Photo Jacopo Salvi – Courtesy La Biennale di Venezia

Once again this year Tucano supplied the bags for the WOBI conferences in both Milan and Madrid

Once again this year Tucano supplied the bags for the WOBI conferences in both Milan and Madrid

This year Tucano has once again taken on the role of official supplier for WOBI Milan and WOBI Madrid, having provided the bags for the many participants attending this prestigious event focusing on management and innovation.

The central theme for this year was Humanification: “Let’s focus on people. Now and always”. A very important concept especially in an environment focused on the topics of business and investment.
Artificial intelligence has made great strides and humanity is the animating force of companies. The World of Business Ideas has deepened this certainty, through the activities of researchers and analysts of the business community, and leaders of worldwide renown from the most disparate business sectors.

To name just a few: Nicholas Negroponte, co-founder of MIT Media Lab, Randi Zuckerberg, ex-marketing director of Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg’s sister, and Rachel Botsman, author of the best seller What’s Mine is Yours.
The partnership between WOBI and Tucano has been consolidated in recent years not only through the excellent relationship of trust but also through the sharing vision and values.

Once again Tucano is the official supplier for the 74th Venice International Film Festival of the Biennale di Venezia

Once again Tucano is the official supplier for the 74th Venice International Film Festival of the Biennale di Venezia

The collaboration between Tucano and the Venice International Film Festival of the Biennale di Venezia is once again consolidated by participating in a project that is a global expression of art and culture. There is a longstanding affinity between Tucano and the Venice International Film Festival, expressed through products designed exclusively for the festival and “Made in Milano”. This year the Lungomare Marconi will once more be filled with tote bags in green, orange, and blue, which have been made for the event’s Industry Office.
The opening film of the festival will be Downsizing by Alexander Payne, followed by a series of highly anticipated titles, including: Suburbicon, directed by George Clooney and written by the Coen brothers; The Shape of Water directed by Guillermo del Toro, and Koreeda Hirokazu’s The Third Murder. Paolo Virzì will be presenting his first American film The Leisure Seeker but he’s not the only Italian Director. Also on the schedule are: the musical Ammore e Malavita, by the Manetti Bros.; Andrea Pallaoro’s Hannah, with Charlotte Rampling in the starring role; and Sebastiano Riso, the director of Una Famiglia (A Family).
Special films being shown outside of the competition include those by Amelio, Soldini, Patierno and Antonietta de Lillo. Among this year’s innovations we find the large space that is devoted to virtual reality with no less than 22 products created for the event.
The jury, headed up by President Annette Bening, will be composed of 9 well-known cinema and culture personalities from several different countries.
During the event it will be possible to purchase the official tote bag, produced by Tucano for the merchandising stores, in three different locations (in Cà Giustinian and Giardini and Arsenale areas), you can also buy a selection of Tucano products at Cà Giustinian in Venice.