Once again this year, Tucano is the official supplier of eco-friendly shoppers for Venice’s Biennale

Once again this year, Tucano is the official supplier of eco-friendly shoppers for Venice’s Biennale

Tucano has confirmed that in 2021, it will once again take on the role of the official supplier of eco-friendly shoppers for the Biennale di Venezia, the prestigious and internationally renowned cultural institution. In addition, it will also be the official supplier for the Venice Production Bridge on the occasion of the 78th edition of the globally relevant Venice International Film Festival, scheduled to start on 1 September 2021.

Designed ad hoc, the Tucano shoppers for the Biennale have been made with recycled plastic materials, following the same path of innovative research undertaken by the company in recent years which has resulted in the creation of new, eco-friendly product lines. Each one of these custom tote bags represents 15 half-liter plastic bottles that have been recycled and saved from the landfill.


Photo by Jacopo Salvi – Courtesy La Biennale di Venezia

Art, Architecture, Cinema, Dance, Theatre and Music are the six sectors of the Venice Biennale that enliven the city with exhibitions and educational activities that aim to inspire and promote new contemporary artistic trends.

The 17th International Architecture Exhibition, open to the public from 22 May to 21 November 2021, will include 112 participants from 46 countries. Iraq, Grenada and Uzbekistan will be present for the first time while men and women will be equally represented, promoting and embodying a climate of inclusion.

The 2021 International Architecture Exhibition is entitled “How will we live together?” An open question, today more relevant than ever, and a stimulus not only for architects but for an increasingly demanding public looking for new spaces for a better future, in which personal relationships regain the focus they deserve.


As it has for many previous years, Tucano‘s established participation in Venice continues to provide extraordinary opportunities to promote the theme of sustainability in a cultural environment already oriented towards change.

Tucano, technical sponsor of the 49th conference of young entrepreneurs of Confindustria

Tucano, technical sponsor of the 49th conference of young entrepreneurs of Confindustria

The consolidated partnership between Tucano and the young entrepreneurs of Confindustria, is renewed in 2019 through the creation of the official bag of the conference, the sleeve Minilux, a slim bag in nylon and bright colors, intended for all participants of the meeting.

This year’s sponsorship, in addition to once again signing the tried and tested and significant dialogue between our company and Confindustria Giovani, already active for many years, highlights our interest in the particularity and prestige of an event in which the business world is confronted with the political one and whose theme this year is the economy of connections.

But what does “Globali: Economia delle connessioni”, the title of the 49th Conference of Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria, to be held in Rapallo on 7 and 8 June, mean? It means reflecting on the potential of the “connection economy”, infinite, exponential and able to enhance our skills, our resources and our ideas, especially those concepts and visions that take value through contact and comparison.

Connecting to build a new destiny, connecting to give new meanings to things, connecting to feel closer if the proximity is only virtual. These are just some of the evaluations at the base of the interventions foreseen during the political-entrepreneurial karmesse of Rapallo. An excerpt from the introductory text on the event, literally reports these words, emblematic to clearly interpret the theme of this forty-ninth edition: “We are the world of connections.

The place where everyone can change their destiny by reconnecting with the rest of the world where we cannot improve what we are not connected to.