The Venice Carnival with the little ones, surrounded by masks and cookie houses.

The Venice Carnival with the little ones, surrounded by masks and cookie houses.

Over the last year, we have been going to Venice more and more often, and 2014 will be no exception.
After introducing the Industry Office Bag for the 70th Venice International Film Festival and designing the Official Tote Bag of the 55th International Art Exhibition, we are returning to collaborate with our friends of the Venice Biennale on another important event for the lagoon city: the Carnival, of course!
We are particularly focusing on the youngest participants: we will be attending the fifth edition of the International Kids’ Carnival, this year with the theme of “the Cookie Cottage”.
A large number of elementary schools students from Venice, as well as the rest of Italy and Europe, will gather together from 22nd February to 4th March in the areas of the Biennale to celebrate with disguises and lots of creative activities! 
Some examples? Live performance with themed dances, a Grand Workshop where our little one will create masks, hats and costumes and… a culinary experiment involving the construction of a real cookie house, which gives the event its name.

We’ll be there with our “unmissable” lanyards that we will present to all participants. As on previous occasions, this is a gadget made by our ByTucano division.